Meet the team.

Meet the people who help make the things possible.

Andrew Coop

Pastor of Worship and Worship Media
office: (870)423-2509
Andrew was born and raised in Texas and calls Liberty City his hometown. He graduated from Ouachita Baptist University in 2021 with a Bachelor of Music degree in Worship Arts and gratefully joined the staff the following November. He points to a series of events beginning in high school when God started calling him to serve in the hill country of Arkansas. His aim at Freeman Heights Baptist Church is to enable and equip his Christian brethren to sing to God praises rooted in their gratitude for what He’s done and in their understanding of who He is.

Patty Orrell

General & Financial Secretary
Patty has been on staff with Freeman Heights since 2002…from General Secretary, Ministry Assistant, Rental Coordinator and Financial Secretary. She has worn many hats at different times during her 18+ years and has a heart for serving her Lord and church family in any capacity possible. Patty has been married to Charles for 43 years. They have two children and three grand-daughters, who are the delight of their grandparents’ lives.